Available Goldendoodle Puppies For Sale. Goldendoodles are highly intelligent and loyal companions, their affectionate and gentle nature makes them some of the finest therapy dogs. Mom is apple and dad is rocky.

Breeders in our network price their goldendoodles fairly and competitively, and part of the matchmaker process means matching you with pups within your budget. The puppies take on the best traits of both breeds. The hybrids that result from the mating of the two are terrific family dogs that are friendly, intelligent, affectionate and easy to train.
50% off during this pandemic.
The goldendoodle is a cross between the golden retriever and poodle dog breeds and tends to exhibit the best traits inherited from the parent breeds. Moms and babies upstairs with us and our kennel is sited in the basement. There are many different sizes of goldendoodle puppies available now, the toy size is one of the smallest sizes. Goldendoodle albany, we got 3 puppies avaliable 1 males and 3 female.