Best Way To Transport Pets Long Distance. Before you can figure out the best way to transport your dog, you have to think of all the ways. This is not always possible and most airlines will allow birds to be flown with owners in the cabin or in the cargo hold.

As with dogs and cats, bus lines and trains do not accept pets. In general, the best way to travel with pets is by car, because it puts them under the least stress. Our company has been successfully moving pets since 2000 and we strive to create a healthy, happy travel.
We offer private cat transport services short or long distance for state to state trips or across the country and all of canada.
The type 1 animal transport licence is for road journeys up to 8 hours in duration. There are no other dogs or cats present to stress each other out. A plane may be the best way to transport pets long distance, but extra care needs to be taken if you choose to fly. To drive long distance with your cat, first get a sturdy carrier that's big enough for your cat to sit, stand, and turn around in, and leave it out in your home for a few days so your cat gets used to it.