Grieving The Loss Of A Pet Cat After Euthanasia. My hope for you is that one day you’ll come to know that you can never really be separated from your forever cat, because the love you feel for her has not died; Many of us have experienced the death of a fury friend.

At this time, it is essential to treat the owner with the utmost care and not say or do the wrong thing. In fact, as i will discuss later, grieving usually involves the loss of many different things. Aj ate a piece of string and i barely saved his life with surgery, but it worked!
Also, you’ll also have the emotional burden of euthanasia to contend with.
He was abandoned by his owners and was given to me as a gift to mend my broken heart after my cat of 12 years did from kidney failure. Some people find grief following the loss of a pet comes in stages, where they experience different feelings such as denial, anger, guilt, depression, and eventually acceptance and resolution. At this time, it is essential to treat the owner with the utmost care and not say or do the wrong thing. Medically reviewed by scientific advisory board — written by julie axelrod on may 17, 2016.