How Long Do Puppy Fear Periods Last. Zoomies, also known as frenetic random activity periods, or frapping, are sudden bursts of wild, unbridled activity. I do not believe in “fear periods”.

Puppies experience two fear periods during their development, and each fear period lasts for about 2 to 3 weeks, on average. There’s a lot to get used to and prepare for, but one thing that often gets overlooked is puppy fear periods. The how and when of fear periods also depends on the individual puppy, so you may or may not see it in your puppy as described.
There are certainly times in a puppy's life when they are a bit more timid than usual, this can occur when they are separated from their litter mates and mother at about 8 weeks, and can last for as short as a few days to several weeks.
Rover has grown now and if he is a large breed he may even weigh 100 pounds or more! I do not believe in “fear periods”. (if your puppy always found the world to be a scary place, he will most likely continue to be cautious or fearful as an adult, but he may be even more so in adolescence.) I believe the early issues are related to how humans handle the homing of young puppies.