How Much Do Pet Bats Cost. Most companies charge an itemized fee, which might look something like this for an 1100 sq foot attic: Regulations govern the taking of bats from the wild, and the transfer of bats is carefully regulated by the state and federal governments.

A cage will run you from about $50 up to $150 depending on how much you want to spend.; Always remember the annual discounts of 10% put on every animal or pet in september. Actually it depends upon what state you live in, and what species of canary that you wish to purchase.
You'll also need a heating pad and a.
Most companies charge an itemized fee, which might look something like this for an 1100 sq foot attic: Cost of caring for a hedgehog. Your initial set of accessories, such as a water bottle, food bowl, bed, and exercise wheel will run you about $50 to $100. It’s usually spread through saliva and sexual secretions.”