How Much Is It To Get A Puppy's Ears Cropped. During this recovery time, pain relievers may or may not be given. Dog owners may get excited when they see their puppy’s ears starting to perk up, but then get confused when they see them drop back down a few weeks later.

W must be notified when your puppy is 6 weeks old, that you would like this done and payment will be taken then for this service. The best time to crop an american bully puppy’s ears is between six and twelve weeks old when they are still too young to be fully alert. Average prices of ear cropping the average price of ear cropping can be from $150 to over $600 with a median price of about $250.
Keep the puppies apart for a few days until the ears are no longer sore.
Soft and thin pinnae are a warning that your puppy's ears may have trouble standing. The choice depends on your puppy’s health and how important it is to you that your dog meets specific breed standards. Soft and thin pinnae are a warning that your puppy's ears may have trouble standing. Ear cropping is a surgical procedure that involves removing part of a dog’s ears, causing the cartilage to stand erect.