Pet Addendum For Lease Word Doc. The landlord also authorizes the pet(s) solely on the condition that the tenant pays a {monthly/one time} deposit of {monetary amount}. Pet must be kept on rental property and will not be allowed out of rental property unless it is on a leash.

2) tenants agree to keep their pet restrained, but not tethered, when it is outside their dwelling. Pet application & addendum to the residential lease pet(s) may be considered for this rental dwelling after submitting the information below in full. The agreement is only binding and legal when both the landlord and tenant agree to and sign the addendum.
Terms of addendum the landlord authorizes the tenant to keep the aforementioned pet(s) in the premises listed above, provided that the tenant complies with the following restrictions.
To keep the pet(s) specified under the following terms and conditions: 4) tenants agree not to leave their pet unattended for any unreasonable periods. Pet, addendum, agreement, landlord, lease, form, ms word doc last modified by: This entry was posted in latest news on february 19, 2021 by.