Pet Sitting Rates For Cats. Cats and other pets require a minimum of 1 visit every 24 hours. Dogs, cats, birds (all types), tropical & saltwater fish, rodents (hamsters, mice, gerbils), rabbits, reptiles (turtles, geckos, lizards, iguanas, snakes), and exotics (sugar gliders, hedgehogs).

$28 per 30 minute visit. Less than 2 weeks before the start date, 50% of your total payment. Is $12 for 15 minutes, $15 for 20 minutes, and $18 for 30 minutes.
Is $12 for 15 minutes, $15 for 20 minutes, and $18 for 30 minutes.
***home care includes things like setting alarms, putting out bins, putting post. The rate is higher as the litter boxes get loaded and cat areas require more attention) We’ll provide you with some solutions by offering services including dog walking, pet sitting, basic house sitting, poop scooping, and even a welcome back grocery service. Each cat sitting visit is customized to suit the individual needs of your cat.