Peter And The Wolf Instruments Sounds. French horn drum (circle one) 15. Go to this website and you can download this delightful version of peter and the wolf.

In peter and the wolf, many different percussion instruments get to join the orchestra. The wolf turns his attention to the cat and the bird, who are up in a tree. Peter and the wolf activity 3 the haracter of instruments teaching objective students will explore the physical traits of the characters from peter and the wolf and then use that experience to relate to the music.
The timpani player hits the timpani with mallets, and the mallets can be made of different types of wool, wood, plastic, or other materials to make different sounds with the drums.
Peter and the bird work together and catch the wolf with a rope. For each character in the story, we hear and visualize the instruments of the orchestra, with a section of the score where the musical. Along with the timpani, you will hear the triangle,. Resources • prokofiev’s peter and the wolf found on track 10 of the accompanying youth oncert d • peter and the wolf story line found on page 19 of this guide