Teddy Bear Schnoodle Puppies For Sale Near Me. It is admired for its cute appearance and independent disposition. She is 6 1/2 months old, was born on feb 27th.
We list all the contact information we have, as well as link to their website, so you can see what puppies they currently have available. These small pups are also called zuchons or shichons and their friendly disposition make them ideal house pets and therapy dogs. We have developed a breeding program that produces impeccable health, a calm temperament and gorgeous coloring, in all of our unique outstanding puppies!
Fee is $185 images are up to date.
They are quite popular in the united states and are highly sought after from dog breeders. Very cheerful with other pets and livestock. They are quite popular in the united states and are highly sought after from dog breeders. We have developed a breeding program that produces impeccable health, a calm temperament and gorgeous coloring, in all of our unique outstanding puppies!